I’ve had a few bits of work come in over the last few days, so I haven’t managed to get out for the morning glass as I’ve been on the computer slogging away. Rose has taken up the morning shift on the board and managed to put in about 4 or 5km this morning paddling from Massaguaçu to Mococa and then back to Cocanha.
This evening I had a little break from prototyping and jumped in the car and popped 15 minutes up the coast to Lagoinha (Ubatuba). I got in the water and had about 1.5 hours before it got dark (having a time limit always seems to result in me making more out of a surf session).
The water was silky, the wind was pretty much non-existant and apart from 2 other people in the water (on a 3km long beach) I had the place to myself. I paddled and caught a bunch of super clean waves resulting in some long glides.
I got out the water pretty much when I couldn’t see the waves coming anymore and was greeted by this sunset. A pretty awesome session all in all!